
KWASSIP: Dr. Tejidini and His Numerous Opposing Opposition -By Abdulrasheed Akogun

By Abdulrasheed Akogun

The Acting General manager of the Kwara State Social Investment Programme (KWASSIP), Dr. AbdulWasiu Tejjidini’s personality is subject to diverse interpretations, depending on who is doing the review and the background from which such review is coming from.

What you however can’t take away from him is, his religious dedication to whatever he believes in, topnotch networking skills, which he elevates over sectional or temporary divides.

While his traducers often knock him for his numerous political switches from Prof. Oba Abdulraheem to Sen. Bukola Saraki and finally to Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, what is unmistakably glaring is the fact that he’s always in the ‘political kitchen’ wherever he pitches his tent.

Thus, it is no gainsaying that he possesses skills that sets him apart and his skills and values carve uniquely vintage spot for him wherever he dwells.

That surely couldn’t have been a fluke, else he’ll not have remained vintagely relevant in the Kwara political-sphere for almost two decades and still counting.

That’s why the recent coordinated attacks on his personality and stewardship of the novel social investment scheme of the Kwara State Government Agency (KWASSIP) isn’t unexpected. If anything, the attacks took months to arrive.

While some within the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) are at loggerheads with Dr. Tejjidini for supervising a KWASSIP, where members of the major opposition parties have been perpetual beneficiaries, a somewhat inconceivable reality with the jejune kind of politics we play in this clime, which positions members of the opposition for undemocratic deprivation of benefiting from the people’s collective patrimony, no matter how merited.

On the other hand, the leading opposition party is officially and unofficially up in arms against Dr. Tejidini, for leveraging on his contact and wide network to market and sell the ideas and achievements of the Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq-led Kwara State Government, which has seen him making deft incursions into the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and perpetually depleting its ranks.

As Aristotle once observed, “The good for man, is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue,” and it is within this framework that i recognize and commend the exemplary non-partisanship Dr. Tejidini, has brought to the Kwara Social Investment Programme (KWASSIP).

He has shown that true leadership transcends the limitations of partisan politics. As Desmond Tutu aptly stated, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” In his role, Dr. Tejidini has exemplified this idea by fostering safety nets for the vulnerable in Kwara, irrespective of their political, religious, or ethnic  backgrounds.

Ironically, contrary to Tutu’s postulation, there are coordinated attempts to turn same to his major albatross, being amplified by some few within the APC, yet rather than commend him and the agency, the PDP is calling for his head, that’s nothing but a double jeopardy, yet politics, mustn’t be allowed to becloud our sense of patriotism and Dr. Tejjidini, rather than being brought to opprobrium, should be singled out for across divide commendations.

Although, his commitment to neutrality in his official duties, which reflects the sentiment of Confucius, who proclaimed, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones,” is an unforgettable sin in the face of some of his party members.

His religious loyalty to the Governor’s ideas and vision, which he has assumed the position of self appointed chief marketer, which has accounted for him personally influencing the decamping of no fewer than 200 heavyweight politicians from the PDP, SDP, YPP etal to the ruling All Progressives Congress, with the PDP being the worst hit is the major reason why the PDP are gunning for his jugular.

As John Stuart Mill posited, “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.” Dr. Tejidini has mastered the art of carrying out his official duties without allowing partisanship interfere, yet his embarked on his political-soul-fishing in the most Gospel-like manner, partisanship demands.

What his traducers have failed to digest is the fact that both assignments ain’t mutually exclusive. Thus, the occurrence of one doesn’t necessarily depend on or vitiate the other.

While it’ll be foolhardy for anyone to demand immunity for a public official in Tejidini’s shoes, it’ll not be out of place to recognise his modest achievements, his abilities to combine his undisguised love and admiration for his principal, Gov. Abdulrazaq and APC, yet institutionalised the consistent nondiscriminatory administering and disbursements of KWASSIP.

It’s not out of place to call and pray for the identification and appointment of more Tejidinis by Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq.

Abdulrasheed Akogun is a Kwara based Journalist and member of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

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