Renowned academic and community leader, Professor Fatai Aremu, popularly known as Dadin-Kowa, has captured the hearts of Kwara Central with a series of impactful community interventions carried out between December 2024 and January 2025.
His initiatives, addressing critical needs in areas ranging from water supply to youth and business empowerment, have drawn widespread acclaim and heightened speculation about his political aspirations.
On January 16, 2025, Dadin-Kowa repaired a hand-pumping borehole in Afo-Oja village and converted a long-damaged solar-powered borehole into a motorized water system in Asa Local Government.
These efforts have significantly alleviated water challenges in the area, bringing relief to residents long plagued by scarcity.
In the realm of youth empowerment, the professor donated ₦1 million to the Ilorin Emirate Youth Development Association for their 11th empowerment program.
Additionally, he is currently distributing over 250 free JAMB forms to students across Kwara Central, ensuring that less privileged youth have better access to higher education opportunities.
Business empowerment has also featured prominently in his initiatives. On December 31, 2024, Dadin-Kowa donated ₦5 million to the Kwara State Tailor Association to enable its members to expand their businesses and improve their livelihoods.
These interventions have earned him a growing base of supporters, particularly in his home constituency of Asa Local Government. However, one question remains at the forefront of public discourse: which political party will he represent in the upcoming elections?
Regardless of his choice, the people of Asa Local Government have expressed unanimous support for Dadin-Kowa’s candidacy, highlighting his reputation as a man of the people. Many believe his journey could redefine the political landscape of Kwara Central, creating a historic turning point for the region.
As the 2025 political season gains momentum, all eyes are on Professor Fatai Aremu, whose actions have already made a profound impact on the lives of many. Whether as an academic or a potential political leader, his influence continues to resonate across Kwara Central.